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Technology Department


Technology is the achievement of human purposes through the disciplined use of materials, energy, and natural phenomena. Education in and through technology involves

  • appropriate resources,

  • suitable tasks, and

  • the interplay between the two. The resources involved are the knowledge and skills acquired by the student. A task is an undertaking in which the student seeks to apply those resources of knowledge and skills.

The aims of the course are:

  • to contribute to the student's preparation for life through encouraging the constructive and creative use of such knowledge and transferable skills as might be applicable to solving practical problems

  • to contribute to the student's development of qualities of self-reliance, self-confidence, resourcefulness, and initiative

  • to contribute to the student's preparation for life by stimulating the student's interest and confidence in working safely with equipment and materials

  • to develop in the student such skills of visualisation and of manipulation as are involved in designing and making artefacts.

  • to develop in the student the abilities to make a critical evaluation of a piece of work and to take appropriate action.

  • to develop the student's knowledge and understanding of communications conventions and of scientific and technological phenomena and terminology.

  • to develop in the student an appreciation of how technology impacts on society and an understanding of how it might be used to the benefit or detriment of the social and physical environment.

  • to develop in the student an appreciation that established technological solutions reflect the accumulation of the experience and wisdom of the ages.

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